Does it Pencil Course 4. The Excel Course.
This course was developed at the request of the alumni.
This course provides a review of all of the content of Course 1, 2, & 3 and includes a complete set of 11 Excel spreadsheet templates.
For each module in the course, there is a short introduction to the topic, then a deeper discussion, then a problem or problems. The problems are solved on video first with the HP 10BII and then with the Excel template. Each module also includes a separate video showing how to use the template.
The Excel templates include a license for 2 computers.
If you don't have Excel, you can get a free account that will give you access online. Alternately, you can convert the Excel templates to another formal (i.e Google Sheets).
Time Value of Money, The Cash vs. Debt Decision, The APOD, Benchmarks, 4 Square Cap Rate, Internal Rate of Return, The A Street Case Study, The Cash Flow Worksheet, the Capital Gains Worksheet, After Tax IRR, and IRR, MIRR, NPV.